LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM MY FAVORITE TODDLER Part 2Last month I highlighted three leadership lessons I learned from my granddaughter: · Be curious and be a sponge – Nora sees...
LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM MY FAVORITE TODDLERHow my Granddaughter has had an impact on me as a coach I have been coaching leaders for over 15 years and my new source of growth as a...
Book Review - an overachievers guide to breaking the rulesBook: an overachiever’s guide to breaking the rules- how to let go of the perfect and live the truth Author: Heather Whelpley Key Points...
Insight from Adam Grant Book -Think AgainBook: Think Again Author: Adam Grant Key Points “As we think and talk, we often tend to slip into the mindset of three different...
Creating a Community in Leadership ProgramsRecently I have seen articles from Harvard Business Review and The Center for Creative Leadership explaining essential components of...
Addicted to Being BusyThis month’s topic was prompted by the article On Being Busy which I saw on Facebook. One point in the article is about how technology...